
Law of detachment


Can I just say how much this has changed my life? 

Somehow everything feels lighter, happier. Living life with no expectations. Understanding that everything is temporary - to just enjoy life as it is. I dont think I am the most spiritual person, but I whole heartedly believe in Karma and Dharma. As long as I am doing my best with good intentions, let the universe decide how everything plans out. I am no longer attached to outcomes and whatnots.

So the life experiences right now.. I will take it as it is because I know it will lead to self growth. I dont take anything personally anymore, and Im never good at holding grudges. I dont think its worth my time and energy, because frankly the INFJ door slam works too well every time. Like I mentioned several times, I am easily hurt, but I move on from situations even more easily. I think the tragedy of life is only when you lose your sense of self, when you base your worth on other people or material stuff.

I know this post dont make any sense. As I am typing this, I am struggling to arrange my thoughts to form cohesive sentences. 
If you get it you get it. Im tired of explaining. 
The thing with the 'Law of Detachment', its either you get it or you dont. I know it seems far fetched and not a lot of people can relate, but you can never control anyone's actions but your own. I guess you have to reach a point in life where you just prioritise self growth and realize everything else is secondary. Just go with the flow of life. What is yours will be yours. What is not yours will find its way out of your life, and that itself is doing yourself a big favour.
Embrace it, and know that the universe is always working in your favour. 


“If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: In love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.” Th...