

Ive missed Bondi Beach. Yesterday after a long boring lecture I cant even remember, I spontaneously decided to revisit one of my frequently visited cafes (Speedos) in Bondi and this time I dragged my sister along. (Since she mentioned that she had been wanting to try out the cafe for some time)

Pancakes! With caramelised bananas on top! This makes me happy but the dish was too sweet for one person to finish the whole thing. Thank god we decided to share dishes.

I'd definitely recommend the peanut butter smoothie. Sel was reluctant to try it out at first (because ew peanut butter in a smoothie?) but It was really good, especially in the hot weather today. Its so weird how Sydney weather works. Super hot one minute and freezing on the next.

I skipped gym today and ditched my assignments so I have lots to catch up tomorrow ahaha. But today's been great.


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...