
The things you learn as you get older

 1. Prioritizing peace over everything.

To be at peace with all that happens and what will happen. To remember that nothing is permanent and I am here to learn and grow. As I get older the more I lean towards a calm and cozy life, filled with good people and the things that truly matter. 

I like the idea of focusing on things that fuels my soul while detaching from situations I cannot control. Life is actually not that complicated. 

I love this quote : "The peace that I am aiming for is worth everything and everyone that I will lose in the process. "

2. You naturally gravitate towards people of the same frequency. You will lose people, but gain even more. 

It does not matter how long you've known this person or how recently acquainted. Early twenties are for exploring and discovering your true self. Your life might be the most volatile at this stage,  dipping your toe here and there, moving countries for degrees, starting a new job, jumping into the dating pool..

When you hit your quarter life, and your prefrontal cortex reaches full maturity at the ripe age of 25 (for most people, some just stop growing altogether), you have a sense of who you are becoming. You know what you like and dont like - what you can tolerate, what sparks joy in your heart, what you look for in a friend and partner.  You start to make solid decisions for yourself instead of being spoon fed by other people's biases. You discover aspects of your personality traits and your own personal principles. 

And you begin to realize, the people you grow up with does not necessarily share the same values in life. And that is completely okay. You will find your people :)

3. SPF is the most important step in your skincare regime

No words needed 

4. At the end of the day, you are on your own. 

I meant this in the most positive and liberating way. You alone decide how you deal with life. You alone can decide the narrative of your story. No one should have the power to affect you mentally and emotionally. No one owes you anything, and you don't owe anyone anything. 

As Taylor Swift likes to say, "you are on your own, kid"

The Law of Detachment comes in handy here ( I know Ive mentioned this so many times but this has been the turning point in my life)

In my personal opinion, it is better to rely on your own two feet, to know that no matter what life hurdles you face, you can get back up. This is why it is important to actually like yourself and make sure the voices in your head is positive. Especially in your late twenties. 

After all, what you think dictates how you will live. 

5. Self care does not mean self sabotage

These days 'self care' has been so over-gratified but the at the same time the pendulum can swing too much it turns to self sabotage. When you sleep in or skip work in the name of 'self care', or you make decisions that gives immediate gratification but have negative outcomes in the long run... is that really self care? or is it more to self indulgent?  Every decisions I made for the betterment of my life has been a decision made from self care. And all of them have been HARD. 


“If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: In love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.” Th...