It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiring productive work day. I just noted down plans and to do lists for next week, and I am waiting for my husb to finish his shower so we can have a movie night in of our current favourite series (The Resident). It is quiet moments like this where I can pause, take a breather and tell myself , "oh wow, life is good ". Above everything else, the people I love are healthy and happy, what more can I ask for?
A lot of people asked me how is marriage life and I would always respond that nothing has changed. In a way that is true, my schedules remain the same, I still maintain the same everything, the same routines, the same jobs.
But three months into marriage I do feel a difference. It is the change in mentality, the gradual shift in priorities and the inevitable maturity that comes with it. And a sense of peace and security in myself that I have never felt before. Its like I know my place in the world now, the roles and responsibilities that I have, the people and things that are worth my energy and time. How I am lovingg this journey and feeling :)
With that in mind, here is a list of carefully curated books that I accumulated from 5 years ago, that played a big part in my emotional maturity.
1. The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Roz
2. The School of life - an Emotional Education
3. The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
4. The Tibetian Book of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche
5. Ikigai - The Japanese secret of long and happy life
6. Power - Robert Greene
7. Quiet - Susan Cain
8. For one more day - Mitch Albom (anything from him is worth the read but this one hits the hardest)
9. The things you can see only when you slow down - Haemin Sumin
10. Becoming - Michelle Obama
Best investment ever!