

I met myself in a coffeeshop today

She just turned 18

I turn 28 in a few months 

Both of us sitting with our matcha lattes, punctual to the dot. Her with a book and me with my kindle. We studied each other for a while and I noticed with a smile how some things remain the same, even after so much have happened. 

I could see her staring at my ring, she told me she cant wait to experience falling in love with her husband. I excitedly told her to be patient because its like having a forever sleepover with your bestfriend. 

She asked about married life and a lot of questions about her future partner. I laughed and told her that she already met him from years ago. 

She dont know what to do with her life, I told her we are lucky to be doing what we love everyday. She told me she struggles with anxiety every night because the future is so uncertain, I smiled and told her the future is bright, and is unfolding in the right timing. And no, it has been years since I have insomnia, we sleep pretty soundly at night now. 

I look at her and see all the naivety, the belief that the world is always a good place and everyone is good at its core. I dont say anything because she desperately needs that character development to be where I am right now. I tell her I know all the silent battles she faces. 

She tells me she always second guesses her decision and I told her I've never been more comfortable and sure with my life choices. She says she misses her family back at hometown and I told her to enjoy university life abroad to the fullest, because in a few years time we get to go home everyday anytime we want. 

She excuses herself and said she is late for her sister dinner date at a sushibar in Sydney, I laughed and told her little did she know, we will be closer than ever while navigating life. 


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...