Here goes a bit of snippets from my US trip. I did prioritize video over pictures so there is not much to see, and my camera battery shut down in LA.. but anywayssss. This trip was so special to me, I have always wanted to visit the states since years ago, and I have heard a lot of good stories about it too.
Central Park - one of my bucketlist
Prettiest terrace, reminded me of Chuck and Blair
Good, but not the best
Pretty brooklyn
"One Iced Nola with oatmilk pleaase"
First shot of nyc in wall street at -18 degrees, cold cold shaky hands
Katz Delicaseen, from when Harry met Sally, worth every bite
My friend bakes better cookies that is harder to get than Levain and I am not biased about this
5 trips to magnolia bakery just for the banana pudding - #love
Chicago - such a pretty and windy city
Not captured - LA, the best part of the trip. My friends and I, we like to joke how nice it would be, living in LA. Sipping our oat based matcha boba from urth caffe while heading to our pilates session in our aloyoga fits. Hiking on the weekends, shopping in beverly hills and eating boiling point for dinner.
love life laugh