
On letters to my bridesmaids

  Due to personal reasons, we decided not to have bridesmaids/groomsman for our wedding. Nevertheless, love letters to my girls are due. They have in some ways made a huge impact to my life, played a big part in my personal growth, and been there through the good times but most importantly the rocky roads life sometime throws at us. 

To my girlies, my #teambride, in no particular order, here goes my words of love : 

To my ex-roomate turned sister chromatid, to my literal "one call away".. where do I even start? Because of you I believe in divine timings, because once upon a time the universe really did align for our paths to meet, and I gained someone so special in my life. Thankyou for setting the friendship benchmark so high, for seeing me through all my bad sides and still seeing the good in me, for always inspiring me to be my better self, for always being my constant in this roller coaster of life. We have been through so much together, literally. You have seen me at my very worst and at my very best and yet you love me all the same. I say this to everyone, the biggest thing I take from IB is our friendship. 

To my 'positive energy' sisturr, the one who I just 'click' with from the moment we met. We often discussed about raising our vibrations, on how to be the best version of ourselves. We call each other out when necessary when we fall into negative energy, and self roast (sometimes with dark humour) at our attempts to 'better ourselves' HAHA because at the end of the day life can be challenging but heyyy we did our best. Did you know, back when we are still in the same city our weekly 'matcha therapy sessions' and random sleepovers was something that I look forward to every single week. Thankyou for that safe space. I appreciate you so so much! ps. legal familyy so soon🫶🏻

To my soul sister, the one who is older than me but who I see as my lil sis LOL, I hope you know how much I appreciate this precious friendship! I am sooo proud of the person you are becoming. They say friendships beyond the 8 year mark last forever, so I guess you are stuck with me for life heehe. I know you know I always will back you up no matter what situation life throws at you. We tell each other this everytime : genuine friendships are so rare, how lucky that we found each other 🫶🏻 From all stages in life together (almost 20 years in the making) , you know I luvv u so much sisss! Sometimes I feel protective of you because you have such a pure heart and you give the benefit of the doubt to people too much. Thankyou for always being my listening ear and cheerleader, and for trusting me even when I give you harsh life truths. Lets grow stronger and smarter together siss! 

To my highschool sistur(s), we have seen each other grow up, back each other through seasons of life. And although all of us live in different cities now, the love and connection remains as strong as ever. I am so grateful for this supportive friendship. Because even in the midst of our different schedules and clashing timelines we still manage to be updated on each other's milestones. Thankyou for always looking at me in a positive light although I am far from perfect. To my oennie who is the strongest person I know and probably the one who introduces me to dark jokes, the one who writes handwritten letters and has this way with words. Thankyou for teaching me how to think with logic instead of emotions, and above all else how to love myself before anyone else. And to my typo sista who is miles away but close to heart, thankyou for always seeming to know whenever I am down, for reaching out at the perfect moment all the time, for listening patiently and giving logical advice. Both of you are so yin and yan but somehow we complement each other well. I know without a doubt that no matter the distance and timezone we will always be each other's support system. To more milestones togethers please <3

To my fearless sista (ikyk),  the one who understands my sarcasm like no one else, the one who I dont have to filter my words or myself because our friendship thrives on authenticity and 'tough love'. Someone who shares my love for taylor swift and spinning class. To be in friendships that comfortable we understand each other in just a glance (almost 20 years in the making). Friendships where we dont take each other's  'direct words' to heart because I both trust we have each other's best interest in mind . My partner in crime, my literal partner to almost everything! You know I do cherish you genuinely, and as you always tell me you are "one call away" 24/7, the same sentiment goes to uuu sis, okii?

To my bold sistur, the one I recently got close with but I guess when you know you know. And I know from the moment our conversations flowed so naturally even when talking about hard topics, that this friendship is just meant to be. I am usually a private person but somehow conversations on life flows easily. With you literally no topics is off limits LOL and I guess thats why we got close - because we found out both of us, when triggered, are the same kind of crazy and unhinged. I can say the craziest, most deranged thing and you would  always respond with "ok but same". I am excited for what is to come for you sistur , and to more memories together pleasee.

To my crybaby sister, the one who cries when I cry, my work partner turned matcha partner, therapist, etc. The one who defends me and who I see as my cutie lil siss. We also only know each other a couple of years but you are probably the one person who frequently seen me stressed out and drained HAHA.  Thankyou siss for showing me what innocence and pure friendship feels like. Thankyou for always motivating me when work gets overwhelming and for giving sound advices for my personal life too. You are wayy younger than me but so much wiser *sometimes*.  I dont know what it is but I feel like my inner circle are truly people that just radiate sincerity and good vibes. 

Last but not least, to my little sister, the one who has been my literal day 1, who I have shared all my secrets, my life mistakes, my not so proud moments, my 'dark days', and still sees me as somebody to 'look up to'. Someone who knows literally all my bad moments and does not judge, who knows every single life problems I faced in life, who have seen me at my best and worst, seen me crying, heartbroken, happy, thriving and everything else in between. Someone who I know without a doubt will back me up forever and always. I dont think there is any other type of love that compares to family. I always tell this to everyone - you are two calendars behind me but you are stronger, more mature and braver than I ever will be.  I dont think words can ever do justice to describe what we shared, the trust that we built.  But I will just say this - in another lifetime, it would be my greatest wish and blessing for us to be sisters again. 

To me, sisterhood and friendship is one of the most sacred form of love, something that I hold closely to my heart and something I dont take lightly. I believe trust, loyalty and mutual respect is something to be earned and once you have that it turns to something you fiercely protect every single day. This quote from The fault in our stars hits deep  -" maybe I am not loved widely but I am loved deeply and isnt that more than most of us get?"

 Quoting (read: paraphrasing) Rachel Green from friends : I will be okay with whatever life throws at me because I have my girls. 

Going through the youtube rabbithole and looking at all my archived and privated videos like damn time flies . okbyee