
end of year things

Another year is ending soon. Usually at this time I like to reflect back on the past months. I rarely have any regrets because I trained myself to make conscious choices. And I do believe in the power of writing down your goals - pen to paper or the digital way, whatever floats your boat. Call it manifestation, law of attraction, or even dumb luck..  call it anything you want - but I always somehow tick off the majority of my goals every year.

I like the person I am becoming. I like knowing what and who are my priorities, what I want and dont want out of life. I enjoy being decisive with my life, being intentional with my actions. I am so over the "it is what it is, just go with the flow'' damsel in distress bullshit. You work for what you want.

Life truly gets more peaceful when you are focused on your personal goals, and when you can establish a clear line between what you care and what you dont. You delegate your time more wisely, because the rest is just noise. If you really think about it, life is so simple but humans like complexity. Someone once asked me why I could be so 'laissez-faire' about situations they know they would act out, but I always tell them the same thing - as long as it doesnt cross my personal boundaries, involve the people I care about, or affect my life in any way at all, it is not worth my energy - as simple as that. I like minding my own grass. 

But with that personal development comes a new pet peeve. I am easily exhausted around people who are constantly in low vibrational energy, people who are insecure and negative self talk, who doesnt 'do the inner work' and does not have self awareness, people who checks on other people instead of focusing on their own growth. I guess I can understand we all have bad days and that makes us humans, no one feels their best 24/7, but I think it is important not to fall into the rabbit hole of that negative cycle. 

This is why I never force connections and friendships, I believe we naturally gravitate towards people of the same frequencies. I dont care if I sound arrogant when I say this, but I dont need friendships that is not stemmed from mutual respect, love and sincerity. The ones that does not add value to my life in any way. 

I always tell my closest friends to be mindful of who they spend time with because we are the average of the 5 person we frequently meet. 

What I am trying to say is, based on my own personal experience, doing the inner work (something as simple as figuring out what you want in life and then consciously moving towards that goal) is so worth it. You attract what you think. What you think becomes who you are.  

Above everything else, please just focus on your own life


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...