
late night thoughts

Me and my friends (hi vero) have been challenging ourselves to blog more often - be it for therapy or in my case to practice my detoriating english. These days writing have been a challenge for me, it does not come like second nature anymore. Although I am positive no one reads blogs anymore, it is still a daunting process to express what I feel freely online. The line between privacy and oversharing becomes blurry - especially for a private person like me .

So here I am, at midnight, after nightcap with Dad. Challenging myself to write whatever comes into mind. It has been four years since I consistently blog, and I forgot just how liberating it is, penning your thoughts into words. Watching them make sense as they fall into place. I missed having an outlet to just vent out my thoughts. 

And right now.. I dont have a lot in my mind. It has been a while since I overthink, I try to experience life as it goes. No expectations, no attachments, just letting it flow as it is. I came across a quote about The Law of Detachment a few months ago ( allow yourself to be who you are, allow others to be who they are, dont cling to outcomes, dont force situations and embrace uncertainty) and it has been a game changer. 

As cliche as it sounds, I believe everything happens for a reason. The people we meet, the connections we built - as fleeting as it may be, they are there to teach us something. Life gets easier when you flow with it, when " why does this happen to me" turn to "what can I learn from this". 

I genuinelyyyy dont know what the purpose of life is, I dont think I ever will. Right now, I only know that I am grateful to be able to experience life as it is. If my purpose is to grow, to give back to others, to be a blessing in any way to the people I care about, then I think I will consider my life fulfilled. As easy as that.

So if you are still reading this long rant and if there is anything you take from this incoherent post, 'do not get attached to life'. What is meant to stay will stay. What is meant to go will go. Know what you want and dont want in life and work towards that. Everything else is just noise.

Let go of any expectations from others, because no one owes you anything. Just like how you dont owe anyone anything. 

Most importantly, protect your integrity, because 'class' is the one thing that money cant buy. 

 At the end of the day, trust that no matter what life throws at you, as long as you respect yourself and holds yourself to a standard, you will be okay. 


“If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: In love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.” Th...