

Life lately - waking up at 7 am and out of the house by 8:30am for breakfast before work. I like the stability of routines and I guess I am a morning person now, and I get sleepy by 11. This year I find myself appreciating the little things - now even more than ever. A good book, a restful 8 hour sleep, a productive work day, constructive conversations with people.

gosh I am beginning to realize writing a meaningful blog post is such a daunting process. I always say it feels like threading on the fine line between privacy and oversharing. Im not talking about shallow posts like 'what is in my bag' and something along that line, but more to the nitty gritty conversations that can sometimes be hard to talk about. 
I know in the grand scheme of things no one really cares, no one really reads and takes the time to analyze what I write. But.. writing down feelings in a public space as a very private person feels naked. Although I dont really talk about feelings and stuff. But I could. But I just cant bring myself to do it here. Or with just anyone.
And I guess its such a shame because I feel like I do have a lot to talk about that I think can help other people ( loll if there are even people reading this besides my two friends) but I just simply cant. I know this doesnt make sense but I often feel like a walking contradiction. This is why the art of small talks does not come naturally to me, but silver lining is I get to practice it here. Stay tuned, my next post will probably be about my daily makeup or a day in my life. 


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...