
Weekend dreaming

Its 7 pm on a sunday night and Im typing away in my laptop in the quiet. I had just lit my favourite Diptyque candle, and the scent of jasmine hints faintly at the background. Weekends have always been my favourite days of the week, and the past few ones had been exceptionally good.

These days Im trying to incorporate workouts into my mornings so I have been waking up extra early on Saturdays. Be it joining a class downtown, going to the local gym or just a youtube session from home, I feel like it made a tremendous difference in my mood, especially during that time of the month. I used to obsessively aim to be skinny, but right now I dont even weigh myself anymore (only when I remember to, which is not often at all). I exercise to eat more and to achieve a clearer mental state, but I wont say no to having a toned body in the process hehe.

Besides listening to podcasts, diligently masking, buying candles and meditating, I always try to have reading time every single day. Reading has always been an integral part of my life,  but last year I realised I did not make time to dedicate myself to it. The books I have been loving right now is 21 lessons for the 21st century by Yuval Noah Harari. I usually go through books relatively quickly, but this one took me more than a week to read. It opened my mind to a lot of information and I just realised how ignorant I am to what has been going on in the world right now. The book poses a lot of big questions and talks about nationalism, war, terrorism, education, the rise of AI in the future and so many other important topics. It is definitely a recommended read for me.
I also came across this book called "Paris, through a fashion eye" by Megan Hess, and it was love at first sight for me.

Paris has always been the dream city for me. It has long been in my bucket list and I have had countless of day dreaming about walking along the romantic alleys of Rue des barres in Le Marais, morning croissant at Cafe De Flores, visiting Le Mur Des Jet'aime, sipping rose and people watching at the Luxemborg palace,  taking a cruise down the seine.. the list goes on and on ( and my pinterest board keeps getting denser and denser everyday), I even have a spotify playlist dedicated to parisian music. 
Dodo jokes that by the time we get to visit Paris, my expectations would be so high that once it fails to live up to my dream, I would fall victim to the Paris Syndrome (yes it is a real thing!!).  But a girl's gotta dream, right? And my bucketlist is one of the things that just gives me the fuel and motivation during rainy days. Just looking at my pinterest board makes me a happier girl.

Im not kidding when I say images like these can make me tear up 


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...