
The secret

Last year I picked up "The Secret" by Rhonda Bryne, thinking that I would be enlightened by some secret information that would help me achieve the dream life that I wanted. I had seen my mom reading it ages ago and distinctly remember seeing the book lying somewhere in my house but it turned out mom donated the book somewhere so I went to get my own copy. I had heard good things about it and was so excited when I got it in my hands. It turned out that there wasn't any revelation or secret techniques written between the pages, but rather, a set of matter of factly written statements/instructions that we should implement in our lives. 
In a nutshell, the book talks about the law of attraction, something that I have already heard prior reading the book but was skeptical to try out myself. 

"Your thoughts become things", "If you are feeling good, it is because you are thinking good things", "see the things that you want as already yours". 

This year I decided to give it a try because "why the heck not" , and besides I figured that I had nothing to lose. Strangely enough, as days go by I slowly begin to get a firm grasp and understanding at just how the concept might be plausible. Just the other day I cant stop thinking about the law of attraction, and on the same week (until today!) I kept seeing 11:11 appear everywhere intermittently, from the clock in my phone, street clocks, laptop clock. It appeared so frequently and periodically that I decided to do a google search on it because frankly, it was creeping me out.

This literally sent chills down my spine because the statement above is exactly what the whole book is about, the universe taking a snapshot of our thoughts and manifesting them into form. How coincidental is that! (or is it possible that the universe is responding to my thoughts?).
I also started pinterest every single day and looking at my moodboards and now I notice the pins that I put in my board suddenly appear in real life. Coincidental or not, I am not at a stage to make assumptions. At this point I have nothing much to say because Im still experimenting with the concept but I am very much intrigued and mystified!

 I like the idea that I am a part of something so much bigger than myself, something that I cant even begin to comprehend.

Leaving this post on a positive note (although I had a crappy week) because thoughts become reality so Im working on reducing negative thoughts


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...