
Cake by the Ocean

Im trying to not rant or share too much because all my old posts are so so cringe worthy I ended up deleting most entries but we all know I will end up doing exactly that anyways. But I guess Im trying to get back on track blogging since it keeps me happy and busy. Im trying to occupy my time by reintroducing my old hobbies back into my routines. That means picking up my camera more, learning new techniques, do more journal writing, read books, go out more. God knows what Ive been doing the last few months. Dont know why I stopped doing stuffs that I enjoy for no reason.
Lets see if I can keep up my promise this time.

Kirribilli wharf for brunch at the Celcius coffee and co

Yen is visiting Sydney for a while so I get to spend time with her!

Celsius breakfast with toast, avocado, herbed mushrooms and green potatoes. 

Had my usual green juice and Yen had the watermelon detox

definitely not my face next week because uni has officially begun and I cant deal


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...