

This picture above never fails to calm me down or just help me stay grounded. There is just something about the stars that fascinates me (but it might be my inner peterpan-lover speaking or my obsession with anything glittery). Or maybe it sort of reminds me that there is so much more to see in the world (travel bucketlist!)  So much left to see and explore. I do realize that sometimes I talk as if my head is floating off the ground. A well meaning friend just told me I should stop seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses, get my ass back to reality, stop living in the Nicholas Sparks novels, stop giving people the benefit of the doubt, stop being all ''sunshine and rainbow sprinkles and unicorns'' (her exact words). But I cant help it, when it comes to feelings and emotions, I feel too much or none at all. In that sense I think It made more sense for me to see the glass half full in every situation. 
I just turned 20 last week and ironically, the older I get the more I feel like I dont know anything. But if there is one thing that I finally learnt , its that I have to put myself first before anyone. This is such a no-brainer concept, and one that my mom has always tried to ingrain on me from years ago but Im only beginning to appreciate it now. I dont think putting yourself first mean that you're better than everyone else, I think what it really meant is prioritising yourself, know your worth, know what you deserve (or dont deserve), and always making sure you're comfortable before making decisions. And if something doesn't feel right, to be able to trust gut instinct and be brave enough to cut out toxic situations. 

Anywaysss, guess who did more shopping

I got soooo excited everytime I received a package!

This time I headed over to the colourpop website and saw that they were doing free shipping so of course I had to take advantage of this. I ended up choosing 3 mauve lip shades and one highlighter. I got a free ultra satin lip as well so I it was legit a pretty good deal. The only problem was that everything was so pigmented so I guess I'll only be able to wear them as an evening look. Otherwise the shades and formula is gorgeous and a good steal for its price. (Although the free ultra satin lip turned out super dark and made me look like a grandma). 

I swear I need to stop buying lip products. I just bought Lolita 2 by Kat Von D and PeriPera's Velvet ink in Coral the other week.


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...