
On life lately

My mom has always told me to work on things people cant take away from me. It was only years later that I truly grasp the importance of this lesson. This includes honing your skills, building a healthy growth mindset, working on our character, knowledge, protecting our integrity and treating our body well.  Things that you hold within yourself that cant be taken away. Things that are personal, internal and intrinsic.
Lets just say the past few years have been a learning curve and work in progress. 

anyways, life lately (in short and sweet fashion)


 My acupuncturist mentioned I have 'qi deficiency'.  Hence, why I am getting diligent in consuming my prescribed herbal concoctions, cutting out cold water, and exercising regularly. One of the main symptoms I experience is brain fog. I really dont feel like myself this month - I forget appointments and deadlines, I snap at people a lot, I am always sleepy and tired and my hands are always so cold. I also zone out and detach a lot (more than usual) . God bless my family and my friends, I am not the best person to be around these days.


A form of therapy for me is just hanging out with my friends. . There is just something special with friends who you dont have to explain yourself to, people you dont have to put on a facade. They just accept you as you are (through seasons of life). 
These days we talked a lot about our stages of life, the different-yet-same challenges and milestones that we are currently facing. 
Sushi and yap - cant go wrong with this


The month that I re-ignited my love for photography. A lot of people told me I am lucky to have found my passion at a young age, and I completely agree. There are few things that compare to the feeling when I am completely immersed in my art, when time flows by fast because you are just so preoccupied.
But when you turn a passion into work, it comes with a lot of external pressure and obligations.  At least thats how it was for me sometimes. Taking a work break (photography)  to focus on wedding planning has been the best decision so far. Taking a breather to just recalibrate and purchasing another camera (strictly for fun, not for work) made me remember the main reason I got into photography - my love for documentation and turning every picture into a story. 


Agenda for these past few years - Working and building my little montessori school. 
Theme of the month : Home economics


Sweat sesh/classes with my girlies. Its has been 6-7 months since I routinely exercised, and while there are not much differences on the physical aspect (my weight and physique remains the same), when the endorphins kick in life feels as good as ever loll. 

ps. based on my blogger stats, there are much more viewers to this blog than I anticipated. In that case, hello hi, welcome to my safe space :). I hope whatever it is you take something positive out of my experiences and posts. 

Going through the youtube rabbithole and looking at all my archived and privated videos like damn time flies . okbyee