

I have been playing a lot with flowers lately, just because I cant help it (although mom has asked me to postpone my flower dream and put my focus on something else) . I miss walking into my flower course in Sydney, stepping inside the room and being surrounded by floral scents and pastel hues. 
The flowers we have here is very different from the ones I see in Sydney's flower market, it was a bit of letdown for me since my favourite flowers is not easily available here.

In my Ikebana course my teacher told us of her life in Japan, how during spring time she would sit with her friends below the cherry blossom trees and sip on sparkling champagne. And when April is ending there would be rows and rows of stunning displays of Wisteria along the shrines and flower gardens, creating an explosion of blue and purple in every corner and ceiling.
 And then there is the Iris festival throughout July, with the Hydrangea festivals to follow suit and the list goes on ~ 

the point she wants us to take home is to appreciate and enjoy every type of flowers, because they possess their own kind of beauty (just like us! lol).
 And not only that, it is important to enjoy the moment as it is. After all, it would be completely irrational to wait for cherry blossoms to bloom all year long and forgetting to appreciate all the other flowers blooming beside us.

Over warm coffees and flower arranging, I finally fully understood the concepts that I learnt from two novels I had read months ago, "Wabi Sabi" and "Ikigai". 


 It is the end of another week. Another Saturday coming to an end. I am sitting here in my room in fresh pajamas at 8 pm, after a long, tiri...